After individuals and families rushed to meet the deadline date to enroll onto a health insurance plan, the government decides it is again going to extend the deadline date to February 22, 2015. Now this is after agents have been telling perspective clients they could not enroll after February 15, 2015. This brands agents as incompetent and ill-informed. It was not until mid-afternoon on Wednesday, February 18th that Covered California send out the notice to agents. So this is our way of apologizing to those individuals who called our office asking to apply for health insurance after February 15th.
Now with the new deadline, from what we have been told, it does not apply to the insurance companies only if an application is submitted through Covered California. You are not permitted to make a plan change. This extension is only for those who did not apply prior to the February 15, 2015.
Truly, we do not understand the mindset of those making these decisions. After all, a deadline date should be a deadline date and not an anticipated extension date.