Assisted living insurance, also known as long term care, can provide you with peace of mind as you approach your latter years. The insurance will also take some of the financial strain from your family when you need some form of long term care to help you in day-to-day activities. Selecting the right type of plan can be a complex and confusing experience. Before buying, consider the following:
Do the research: Be sure to understand the type of coverage you need and take time research the options. Check out the costs of nursing home facilities in your area.
Consider rising costs: Important to factor in the rising costs of assisted living.
Check the company\’s credentials: This can usually be done through the state\’s insurance department.
Interested in finding our more about assisted living insurance? Contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our agents who can answer any questions you have and discuss suitable options available.
There are choices. The California Partnership for Long-Term Care, an educational program of the California Department of Health Care Services is dedicated to making sure you are prepared.