Dental plans are offered as Stand-Alone plans and do not require a Medical Policy. Dental plans do not adhere to open Enrollment guidelines and are available to all ages all year long.
There are options to choose different coverage levels at any age including 65 and older. Some prices starting as low as $10 per month for preventive plans. There are other options available with the ability to waive the waiting periods for some procedures with proof of 12 months prior dental insurance.
You may be asking yourself, why should I buy Dental Insurance? Most plans provide benefits for at least 2 annual exams and discounts for fillings, root canals and other major procedures. Its buying peace of mind should you need major work.
The hard part is trying to select a plan that fits your specific needs, that’s why you want to do your research before purchasing. Waiting to purchase dental insurance when you need it most can prove to be complicated in a sense you need to pay attention to the waiting periods. Most dental plans will have 3 – 12 month waiting period for some procedures and services.